Monday, November 2, 2009

Twelve (warning, sappy & cheesy)

We met and became friends in Architecture school at Virginia Tech* in the fall of 1997. I think everyone else in our group of friends figured out, long before either of us, that we felt anything other than friendship for each other. There was a party, the night after Halloween, and one of our friends suggested we get in touch with the other about going... it seemed everyone else had parents in town visiting or something. Am I drawing a clear enough picture of how clueless we both must've seemed at the time?

The rest, as they say, is history. We're the best of friends and each others' favorite person. We've been there for each other through school projects, critiques, big ideas, the loss of loved-ones, family drama, job interviews and job losses. We work well as a team on house projects, road trips and hiking/camping/outdoor adventures.

Yesterday DH and I celebrated the 12th anniversary of our first date. We agreed, over dinner at our favorite Irish Pub, that it is hard to believe it has already been twelve years and hard to believe it has only been twelve years.

The morning after our wedding in 2003.

This past summer, 2009.

Is it redundant, at this point, to say that I love him with all my heart?

*architecture students only have time to get to know other architecture students, anyway

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